$39.00 USD

Every month

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HIT Bodies Monthly Membership

Over the last few years, I've been learning from my clients and improving my strategy as a coach to keep people motivated. Never repeat a workout and you never reallyyyy know what to expect! 

  • 5 home workout videos each week that focus on building strength and maximizing fat loss. (Equipment needed - loop bands and dumbbells)
  • 5 Written gym workouts each week
  • Access to hundreds of previous home workouts and gym workouts
  • Daily Planner 
  • Accountability team if you're up for it
  • Nutrition coaching, guidance and motivation - and yes, meal plans
  • ALLLLLL the community support 

You're in on ALLL the challenges at that price point, baby! And no commitment if you aren't feelin it, cancel whenever

What People Are Saying:

Flexibility. How real Chelsey and Jenn are. Work smarter, not harder. Community. Openness. Less than 40 minute workouts.

Julianne Whitehead

I absolutely love how real Chelsey & Jenn are! A different workout everyday is awesome, and the fact that you guys do everything with us! All the amazing friends I’ve made too! This group is incredible and the support I feel from not only you guys but from everyone here is so great I could cry! 🥺❤️

Ashley Clapp

Love the new workout every day and being told exactly what to do so there’s no guessing games when I’m working out!

Megan Wright

I love that you guys struggle sometimes with the workouts too. It makes me feel better when I’m struggling. It’s more real. I love the community that you have built. This group of women is amazing! And that I can workout at any time that is convenient for me. ❤️

Misty Beck

*New workouts everyday so you never get bored. *30 to 40 minute effective workouts. *Relatable! I actually joined because Chelsey Pleasant was PP shortly after I was. It was nice to see her body actually change as she completed her own workouts and to hear about the same struggles I was going through. Now you are too and I'm sure being the same inspiration for someone else! *Chelsey is hilarious! *You tell the truth. There's no magic remedy...you have to put in the work and magic pills or shakes don't exist. *I can contact Chelsey pretty much anytime. *The awesome community of women lifting each other up!

Monica Midland